Vibrant Life Chiropractic

Vibrant Life Chiropractic

Self Evaluation

Self Evaluation

University studies show that stress is the cause of 95% of all disease.

Not only does stress cause disease it severely hampers your quality of life. Stress can cause pain, headaches, difficulty sleeping, poor concentration, irritability, digestive problems and much more.

Take our self evaluation to see how you are dealing with stress. Is your system balanced and dealing with stress well or are you out of balance? If you are out of balance, this self-evaluation classifies your state of imbalance.

Check any boxes below that apply to you. Then submit your name and e-mail address to receive your results.


As we are Chiropractic Assocation of Ireland members your care is covered and included with all major health insurers, check your policy for your level of cover. Receipts will be automatically emailed to you after every visit making it easy to claim.

Check if your practitioner is registered.