Vibrant Life Chiropractic

Vibrant Life Chiropractic

Chiropractic Association of Ireland

Chiropractic Association of Ireland

We are members of the Chiropractic Association of Ireland and our founder Dr. Tammy Verlaan-Ross was a past President of the Association.

All members of the Chiropractic Association of Ireland have qualified from an accredited college with a minimum four year degree. This means they have acquired the necessary skills to practice according to guidelines set out by the World Health Organization.

This ensures the training is of the highest possible standard and allows you the peace of mind, that you will receive the best possible care. Also your health insurer will reimburse you for some of the costs as we are CAI members. All Chiropractors who are registered with the CAI are required to have malpractice and indemnity insurance

For quality and safety only a member of the CAI should be consulted for chiropractic care. For more information visit


As we are Chiropractic Assocation of Ireland members your care is covered and included with all major health insurers, check your policy for your level of cover. Receipts will be automatically emailed to you after every visit making it easy to claim.

Check if your practitioner is registered.